Screen Junkies recently posted one of their Honest Trailers on the new Godzilla movie. Like most of their HT’s, it is hilarious.
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No, it’s not Heidenberger vs Godzilla
It’s true that the trailers had us thinking that Heidenberger would somehow be a main character in the movie. Godzilla junkies like myself thought he would be the “Raymond Burr” of this particular Godzilla movie . But no, clearly lacking his Breaking Bad-like resilience in this movie, he kicks the bucket early and we are instead left with General Katsumoto playing the Raymon Burr of this Godzilla movie. I suppose it’s better than Matthew Broderick.

We had no idea Godzilla was a good guy
Turns out Godzilla merely appears to destroy monsters destructive to human civilization. The clever trick in making us all think that Godzilla would be stomping buildings and sending us back to the stone age is understandable, since apocalyptic Godzilla has traditionally been preferable to goofy nice guy Godzilla. Fortunately, Godzilla was a good guy while still maintaining a the quality of a “villainous ally” (DBZ fans, think Vegeta as opposed to Goku).
We had no idea Godzilla was a good guy
Turns out Godzilla merely appears to destroy monsters destructive to human civilization. The clever trick in making us all think that Godzilla would be stomping buildings and sending us back to the stone age is understandable, since apocalyptic Godzilla has traditionally been preferable to goofy nice guy Godzilla. Fortunately, Godzilla was a good guy while still maintaining a the quality of a “villainous ally” (DBZ fans, think Vegeta as opposed to Goku).